As state testing nears and the end of the year gets closer, it is inevitable that you will be reviewing in math class. Often times, review means packets of worksheets and test prep pages. Students and teachers dread review time.
#1 Scavenger Hunts

I love using scavenger hunts to review. The best part is it gets students up and moving around the room. Students can work collaboratively and it is relatively self-checking. My scavenger hunts are usually 20 questions long and each student gets a recording sheet. They can start at any question and after finding the answer they have to search for the card with the answer they found. From there, they answer that question and continue until they complete the entire loop.
Check out my 6th Grade Math Review, 7th Grade Math Review and Middle School Math Scavenger Hunt bundle.
#2 Color and Solve Activities

Color and Solve review activities are a great motivator for students. I like to use these when students have had testing in other subjects that day. For example, on the days of English state testing, my students are intellectually spent. Color and Solves get them practicing math, but gives them a mindful brain break where they can color the corresponding picture.
Check out my Review Color and Solves (grades 4-8) and Middle School Math Color and Solve bundle.
#3 Review Raffle

We renamed the Review Raffle- THE MOST FUN REVIEW GAME EVER (WITH PRIZES). I use this review activity throughout the year, but it is especially fun for end of the year review! I give each student a set of review questions to work on independently. I usually print out task cards or create a review sheet using Problem Attic. They can have one problem checked at a time and for each correct answer they get a ticket. They write their name on the ticket and put the ticket in any one of the 5 buckets. After about 25-30 minutes, the game is over. I then draw 1 ticket from each bucket and the winner gets a prize. If I am feeling nice, I dump all the buckets in a basket and choose another winner or two. I love that students practice problems, but also reason with probability in a real life situation.
#4 Review Lottery

I found this game on Instagram from Algebra and Beyond and I cannot wait to try it out! She posts a hundreds square on her interactive white board. Students worked in teams to answer review task cards. Each time they got a card checked and it was correct, they could choose a numbered square on the board. At the end of class, she uses random number generator to select a number. Whoever chose that number gets a prize!
#5 Connect 4

Ellen from Math All Day on Instagram has lots of great review games she uses with her middle school students. This Connect 4 game looks like a ton of fun! She gave her students a review packet. With each page they completed in their group, they got one spot on the game board. The team that got 4 in a row won! I love that she had the entire group bring all of their packets up and randomly chose a students’ to check. This ensured that all students were working together!
Looking for some engaging math review activities that you can print and use in your classroom right away? Check them out here!