Interactive and innovative 6th Grade Math resources, ranging from guided notes and engaging worksheets, to dynamic digital activities and beyond, all designed to enrich and simplify your math teaching experience. Available individually or as value bundles.

Guided Notes
Our guided notes offer a comprehensive and structured approach to teaching all 5th Grade Math Subjects. Available by topic, domain or a full-year bundle.

Reinforce learning with a variety of full year worksheets designed to improve skills and retention. With a variety of styles and activities, these worksheets will keep students actively engaged with the material. Four different versions offered including digital, reteaching and extra FUN.

Spiral Homework
Boost retention with homework that is designed to reinforce skills during the entire school year. This spiraled homework introduces new topics, while continuously sampling previously covered material. Editable and perfect for differentiation.

Error Analysis
Everyone makes mistakes so have your students use it to their advantage. Error Analysis tasks allow your students to find the error in an incorrectly worked out problem.

Exit Slips
Quickly assess your students comprehension on all math topics. Perfect for bellringers, homework or exit slips.

Emergency Sub Plans
Whether you’re planning ahead or in a pinch, these no preparation substitute math plans for 6th grade are a must have.

Back To School
Welcome back your students and set up your year for success. Decor, activities, review and more!

End of Year Review
Close out the year with your students ready for 6th grade. Activities, test prep, summer packets and more!
Additional supplemental supports to keep math fun while you support student learning. With every topic covered, you'll find something for whatever lesson you need.

Task Cards & BINGO
20 question sets that come with a variety of recording sheets. Bundles available per domain and full year. Or make it a game for the whole class with BINGO sets.

Color by Number
Perfect for homework, early finishers or independent practice, these color by number sheets allow your students to use their math skills and express thier creative side.

& So Much More!
Matching centers, partner activities, mazes and more - DIGITAL & PRINTABLE!
- Converting Customary Units of Capacity
- Converting Customary Units of Length
- Converting Customary Units of Weight
- Converting Metric Units of Capacity
- Converting Metric Units of Length
- Converting Metric Units of Weight
- Line Plot
- 3-D Figures
- Modeling Volume
- Volume of Rectangular Prisms
- Unit Cubes and Solid Figures
- Volume of Composite Figures
- Place Value
- Place Value Patterns
- Powers of 10 with Exponents
- Multiplying Decimals by Powers of 10
- Decimals
- Decimal Place Value
- Rounding Decimals
- Comparing & Ordering Decimals
- Distributive Property
- Multiplication Properties
- Multiplying by 1-Digit Numbers
- Partial Products
- Dividing by 1-Digit Numbers
- Dividing by 2-Digit Numbers
- Dividing Multiples of 10
- Estimating Quotients
- Multiplying Using the Standard Algorithm
- Partial Quotients
- Adding Decimals
- Subtracting Decimals
- Multiplying Decimals and Whole Numbers
- Multiplying Decimals
- Multiplying Decimals Using Models
- Dividing Decimals by Decimals
- Dividing Decimals by Powers of 10
- Dividing Decimals by Whole Numbers
- Adding & Subtracting Fractions with Like Denominators
- Adding & Subtracting Fractions with Unlike Denominators
- Common Denominators
- Equivalent Fractions
- Simplifying Fractions
- Improper Fractions and Mixed Numbers
- Adding Mixed Numbers
- Subtracting Mixed Numbers
- Subtracting Mixed Numbers with Regrouping
- Fractions as Division
- Multiplying Fractions by Whole Numbers
- Using Area Models to Multiply Mixed Numbers
- Part of a Group
- Multiplying Mixed Numbers
- Multiplying Fractions
- Dividing Fractions
- Dividing Whole Numbers by Unit Fractions
To The Square Inch
5th Grade Math Curriculum