For 2 years, I taught at a small Parochial school. It was a K-8 school with one small class per grade. I loved my experience teaching there, but the most difficult part was that I was the ONLY math teacher in the entire school (I also taught science and social studies). I was teaching 6th grade, 7th grade and 8th grade math, as well as Algebra I. For the most part, it was my very first time teaching math and I was desperate for a community to bounce and share ideas with, come to with problems and for advice, and generally just talk to some people who “get it”.

During this time, I actually found the teaching blog world. I loved reading blogs from teachers who were going through what I was. I loved getting inspiration and sharing my ideas too.
Over the past year, I have found myself joining Facebook groups– I am in lots of adoption groups, some about traveling with kids, and some general mommy groups. I have always found them to be helpful and a great place to turn to for advice. I recently decided to start 2 different Facebook groups for math teachers to connect, bounce ideas off of each other, and generally share what is going on in their classrooms. I just got them up and running last week and I am LOVING the conversations going on! We would LOVE to add more members and as a thank you for joining, you will be able to access a set of FREE end of the year review task cards for your grade level. There is a group for 6th grade math teachers and a group for 7th and 8th grade math teachers.

Click on the link below for the group (or groups!) for the grade level that you teach. Feel free to invite any of your coworkers and friends. As more people join, I will be adding more free activities! I am a pretty active member in the groups as well, so I am there to answer any questions you have!

*Be sure to answer the 3 questions when you request to join!